Are you a knowledgeable author in the realm of autism and neurodiversity

Bursting with expertise & eager to reach a wide array of businesses such as clinics, hospitals, and universities? You recognize the need to share your extensive knowledge,

but you may have been struggling to do so, relying solely on traditional print media.

If you possess valuable expertise in behavioral studies or other fields, and wish to impart this wisdom in the world of business-to-business interactions, there’s a fantastic opportunity awaiting you. With the help of a robust cloud platform, you can extend your reach to assist individuals across North America and beyond.

You may have penned books, research papers, and various materials, only to feel disheartened as your hard work remains shelved and collecting dust at a publishing house. The moment has arrived to embark on an innovative, co-creative journey. You can now introduce your wealth of knowledge into the business world, offering a dynamic, information-rich solution that will educate and empower others to support and uplift individuals with neurodiversity in the real world.

Through our collaborative platform, you can unlock a multitude of advantages, including:

Whether you’re an academic, subject matter expert, researcher, professor, teacher, or hold any other relevant role, if you aim to publish therapy programs tailored for neurodiverse and special needs populations, your search ends here. With our comprehensive range of services, we serve as your premier solution for publishing and disseminating your programs to an expansive audience spanning over 118 countries worldwide.

Are you an author with an abundance of expertise in autism and neurodiversity, aware of the pressing need to connect with a range of businesses, including clinics, hospitals, and universities, to share your extensive knowledge?

Take data/Document | Generate clinical reports | Monitor engagement

Sex Education

Personal Eyes© includes assessments, programs on personal space, anatomy, sexual attractions, relationships and emotions, privacy, trust, consent, boundaries, levels of intimacy.

Evidence methods like ABA Skills

SISU Skills Program© includes assessments, programs for caregiver/RBT training, learning in a group, toleration and cooperation, adaptive skills, social skills, requesting, and more. For schools and ABA clinics/practitioners.

Emotional Learning

EmotiPlay© includes animated and real life videos, audio files, interactive activies for all major emotions in the face, voice and body language. For schools and all practitioners of neurodivergent learners.

ABA Goal Bank

ASCEND ABA Goal Bank Program© includes programs for behavior management, language acquisition, imitation, self help, motor, play skills, visual performance, attending, and more.

Realize Your Full Potential! Best Dreams!

Are you an author with an abundance of expertise in autism and neurodiversity, aware of the pressing need to connect with a range of businesses, including clinics, hospitals, and universities, to share your extensive knowledge?









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4430 Aaron Place, Boulder, CO 80303 USA

© 2024 Created with Love by: Studio 8s